Our courses are spaces where we believe the Spirit will help you experience belonging and grow as a resilient disciple of Jesus.
Belonging Courses
Are you new to faith or to Garden Church? Start by exploring these courses to learn all of the ways you can belong part of our family.
Alpha is a series of relaxed evenings of dinner and conversation where people of all backgrounds can get together to explore the big questions of life, Jesus, and faith. No pressure. No judgement. No charge. Just real conversations.
If you’re exploring for the first time, rethinking, or are just plain curious, Alpha is for you.
Learn what it means to belong at Garden Church.
This course will teach you more about our values as a community, as well as give you a vision for what your discipleship can look like here at Garden Church.
This is meant for everyone - whether you are new here or have been for years.
Learn how to grow as a disciple at Garden Church.
Our topics will include:
Come join us on the first Tuesday of the month as we explore and learn what it means to be a Follower of Jesus at Garden Church.
Core Courses
We offer a few courses core to the values of our church. These core courses will equip you to grow in presence, formation, community, and mission.
At Garden Church, we believe the Bible must shape our lives: how we interact with each other, view God, and make sense of the world. Unfortunately, for many followers of Jesus, the Bible can be difficult to understand and feels impossible to follow.
Join us for a four-week course on how to read the Bible so that you may feel more confident reading, interpreting, and applying the truths of scripture into your life.
This course will explore emotional health from a perspective that is both Biblical and psychologically-sound. Weekly classes will include video teaching by Rob Reimer and gender-specific breakout sessions for processing emotional health topics and receiving prayer. Come learn more about how your relationship with God can be strengthened, renewed, and healed; and in turn, learn how your healthier relationship with God can translate into a healthier version of you.
Who are you called to?
Alex and Hannah Absalom lead a 4-week course to teach you how you can live on mission more intentionally. We all are called to bring Jesus to the lost, and the lost to Jesus.
Learn how you can live an intentional life on mission.
A disciple is defined by being with the Father, becoming like Jesus, and living life by the Spirit.
This course will train you how to grow in loving God and loving others with your whole heart, soul, and mind. Learn about the kind of life we were designed for: a life that grows both vertically towards God and horizontally towards our neighbors.
[COMING 2025]
We cover the Garden's vision, heart, and model for prayer in our community. Come join us as we learn what Jesus showed us about prayer, and also the steps to join the Prayer Ministry Team on Sundays.
Additional Courses
Throughout the year, we offer courses that are more specific to ministries & life stages. We want to encourage you to go through these as you are able. Some are in person, and some are online.
The Pre-Marriage Course is for couples who are exploring the idea of getting married and for those who are already engaged. It’s designed for those who want to give their marriage the best possible start, whether they’re exploring marriage for the first time or have been married before.
The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. The first and last sessions are in person, the rest are done in the comfort of your own home.
Our vision as a church has and always will be “here as it is in Heaven.” The Garden Rule of Life is a simple path for radical discipleship that allows this vision to become reality.
This is simply a way of organizing the basic parts of discipleship with intention and clarity.
Alex & Hannah Absalom from Dandelion Resourcing are offering their Naturally Supernatural Course to Garden Church for free!
This course is a grace filled, pastorally wise, and biblically rooted process to help you learn how you can invite God into every part of your everyday ordinary life.
Use code gardenchurch when checking out.