ways to give
We want to be a church marked by generosity. Our invitation is to give financially. Partner with us as we see God's kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Text your amount to 84321
PO Box 41517
Long Beach, CA 90853

a kingdom of generosity
The Kingdom of God is marked by abundance and generosity - and as people who are extending the Kingdom to Earth, our heart is to practice generosity in all that we do. The call we see in Scripture is for the Church to respond to God's radical generosity toward His people by giving our tithes and offerings back to Him. We believe that giving is a counter-cultural act, and an opportunity for disciples to say "God, everything we have is yours."
Garden Church is a qualified charitable organization exempt from federal income taxes under IRS Sec 501(c)(3). Contributions to the church are deductible for federal income tax purposes under the rules and regulations established under the current provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.
Your tithes and offerings are designated to Garden's General Fund, which supports our regular ministries and programs, mission work in the local and global community, and ensures that the operations of the church continue.
Designated giving (a gift that is designated for a Board approved specific fund or ministry project, other than the General Fund) will be accepted only for funds or special projects that have been approved. The church will not accept gifts for ministries, agencies, or organizations outside of the church asking to forward the donation to that ministry unless the church has taken up an offering for a specific purpose for a specific time frame. The church encourages people to give directly to outside ministries that they would like to support, rather than using the church as a “conduit”.
The church is able to accept gifts of stock. Contact our Pastor of Operations at amanda@garden.church to learn more about how to give stock to Garden Church.
Each year, the Finance Committee prepares a yearly budget for the General Fund that is approved by the Elder Board. This budget will guide the disbursement of funds from the General Fund.
Financial Year in Review 2023-2024
Financial Year in Review 2022-2023
Financial Year in Review 2021-2022
Financial Year in Review 2020-2021
To view more past year's financials, please email our Finance Team at finance@garden.church.