the forge
Artists coming together to make the world beautiful.

the forge
The Forge is a gathering of artists and creatives spanning across many disciplines and mediums of art. It’s a sanctuary for artists to simply be themselves. We are a safe space to share ideas and original work. We are a brave space to explore the depths of our creativity.
The Forge is where we fan into flame the gift that’s inside. We are cultivating beauty through our artistry and the sharing of our gifts.
Where there is beauty the Kingdom is present.
We meet once a month to be together, share our work, and cultivate beauty. Each gathering is built around a theme to engage our imaginations and inspire us in our own creativity. There are no strings attached and there is no prerequisite to joining. If you long for a community to see you and celebrate who you are as an artist, to resonate with your ideas and be inspired by your work, this is your safe space.
To see the next upcoming dates for the forge CLICK HERE
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