being a disciple of Jesus is a life long journey. We are honored to help you along the way.
1. spend time with Jesus Saying “yes” to Jesus as Lord & Savior, is saying “yes” to the lifelong process of giving God our whole self. We spend time with Him, listen to His voice, and allow Him to reshape our lives.
a. devotional rhythm Here is a simple rhythm of spending time with Jesus.
2. read the bible The Bible is the story of God’s redeeming love for humanity through Jesus. Grab a Bible and read, we suggest starting with Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. reading plan view this Bible reading plan that helps you understand how to read the Bible.
3. join a house church This journey with Jesus cannot be done alone as we are made for connection and relationship. Join a House Church to be with other Christians.
a.learn about house churches click this link to learn about what House Churches are and how you can join one.