Primary Homework.
For this section, you will read Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Pete Scazerro. In this book, Pete Scazerro is able to identify the problems of emotionally unhealthy spirituality, and how we can intentionally restructure our lives for abundant life. This book is crucial because you cannot be spiritually mature without being emotionally mature.
Alternative Homework.
Listen: Season 4 - Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership Podcast
Ruth Haley Barton wrote an amazing book on how Moses almost lost and then cared for his soul while leading the Israelites. In her podcast, she unpacks the truths of how Leaders must take SOUL CARE seriously. Listen to Season 4, where she unpacks the book with the same title as the podcast.
Episode 1 - When Leaders Lose Their Souls
Episode 2 - The Place of Our Own Conversion
Episode 3 - The Practice of Paying Attention
Episode 4 - The Conundrum of Calling
Episode 5 - Guiding Others on a Spiritual Journey
Episode 6 - Spiritual Rhythms in the Life of a Leader
Episode 7 - Leadership as Intercession